
Showing posts from 2021

Oracle-DB: Real-time monitoring dashboard in Panorama

In addition to various functions, the free performance analysis tool  Panorama now also offers a browser dashboard for real-time monitoring of Oracle database performance. This shows key indicators for active sessions by wait class as well as top sessions and top SQLs in considered time period. Several values within this dashboard are presented as links which allow to dig in deeper using Panorama's  standard analysis workflows.  Choose menu entry "DBA general"/"Dashboard", the time to cover until now and a refresh rate: As long as gv$Active_Session_History has retrospective data it is shown in the graph for the chosen time period grouped by wait class. At next refresh time only the delta since last refresh is transferred from gv$Active_Session_History to your browser instance. Investigate a particular time period within the presented data The top sessions and SQLs are related to the current time frame you can select within the chart. If you select a particular ...

Oracle-DB: Run a rolling window over interval partitioned tables / avoid ORA-14300, ORA-14758

A problem using interval partitions may be that the number of partitions may not exceed 1.048.575 (1024*1024-1).  If using interval partitions not only the physical partitions count. Instead, the number of possible partitions between the required first range partiton and the last interval partition counts for the limit (in consideration of the used interval).  If you exceed the limit, ORA-14300 (partitioning key maps to a partition outside maximum permitted number of partitions) is raised .  So if you have a rolling window with interval partitions, where new interval partitions at the upper bound are created and older partitions are dropped if no longer needed, you may run into ORA-14300 if your initially created range partition becomes to far away from the upper bound of interval partitions.  A possible solution should be to increase the high value of the initial range partition to lower the distance to the highest interval partition.  But how to do that? ...

Oracle-DB: Link between audit trail and active session history

Unfortunately the audit trail of the Oracle-DB uses a different session identifier (AudSid) than the Active Session History (SID + Serial#). Both identifiers are available in v$Session (AudSid, SID, Serial#). So during lifetime of a session it is possible to link between the session info from v$Session an audit trail. But neither the AudSID is stored in ASH (v$Active_Session_History) nor the SID + Serial# is stored in audit trail. This prevents from combining session info of both sources after the session is closed. There is a possible way to link audit trail with ASH by establishing a logon trigger for that. The LOGOFF records in audit trail (if AUDIT SESSION is active) record also the Client_Identifier from v$Session. So supplying v$Session.Client_Identifier with the needed info allows to retrieve it from DBA_Audit_Trail.Client_ID.  This logon trigger does it: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Client_ID AFTER LOGON ON DATABASE -- Put unique session identifier into client-id to have ...