
Showing posts with the label Oracle DB

Oracle-DB: How to evaluate the "hint_usage" section of column OTHER_XML in execution plan

What does the database really do with your optimizer hints in SQL statements? Starting with Oracle 19c the column 'OTHER_XML' of V$SQL_Plan rsp. DBA_Hist_SQL_Plan or Plan_Table was extended by a section 'hint_usage'. This gives information about the state of optimizer hint usage correlated with the line in the execution plan. Example for section 'hint_usage' of OTHER_XML Lets take this simple but useless SQL as example: SELECT /*+ FULL(c) QB_NAME(Outer) NONSENS(c) */ * FROM cust.Customer c WHERE ID_Company IN ( SELECT /*+ USE_NL(cp) QB_NAME(Inner) */ 12 FROM sysp.Company cp WHERE RowNum < 5 ) AND RowNum < 20; The section 'hint_usage' in PLAN_TABLE.OTHER_XML looks like for this example: <hint_usage> <q> <n><![CDATA[INNER]]></n> <h o="EM"> <x><![CDATA[QB_NAME(Inner)]]></x> </h> ...

Panorama: Long-term trend analysis of Oracle database workload

Why Oracle DB allows retrospective evaluation of workload of active sessions by Active Session History (ASH) if you have Enterprise Edition and Diagnostics Pack. The default retention time for ASH is 7 days back from now, usual settings for production are around 30 days. But sometimes you need to analyze the evolution of database load over longer periods like over many years (e.g. as base for hardware planning and capital budgeting). There are less builtin alternatives yet: Increase the ASH retention time up to years leads to a huge amount of data, cumbersome or impossible to handle Using the AWR-warehouse function in an EM Cloud Control installation may fit your needs, but especially for single or less database instances this causes an inappropriate effort. What Panorama-Sampler allows you to extract some information from ASH and store it compressed as summary other periods between one hour and one day. The Panorama-GUI contains table-views and diagrams for evaluatio...