Generate recommendation lists for index compression on Oracle-DB

An often underrated feature of Oracle databases since version 9i is key compression for indexes.
It allows reduction of index footprint until 1/2 of uncompressed size depending from key size and number of rows per key.
Compressing an index is quite simple:
to compress all keys of an index or
to compress only the first two columns of an multicolumn index.
But how to determine which indexes of an existing database system are worth compressing?
You can generate weighted recommendation lists for index compression by executing the following SQL statements at your database with an user who has the grant SELECT ANY DICTIONARY.
Version 1: Rate indexes by selectivity
            SELECT ROUND(i.Num_Rows/i.Distinct_Keys) Rows_Per_Key, i.Num_Rows, i.Owner, i.Index_Name, i.Index_Type, i.Table_Owner, i.Table_Name,
            (   SELECT  ROUND(SUM(bytes)/(1024*1024),1) MBytes
                 FROM   DBA_SEGMENTS s
                 WHERE s.SEGMENT_NAME = i.Index_Name
                 AND     s.Owner                = i.Owner
            ) MBytes, Distinct_Keys,
            (SELECT SUM(tc.Avg_Col_Len)
             FROM   DBA_Ind_Columns ic,
                    DBA_Tab_Columns tc
             WHERE  ic.Index_Owner      = i.Owner
             AND    ic.Index_Name = i.Index_Name
             AND tc.Owner = i.Table_Owner AND tc.Table_Name = i.Table_Name AND tc.Column_Name = ic.Column_Name
            ) Avg_Col_Len
            FROM   DBA_Indexes i
            JOIN   DBA_Tables t ON t.Owner = i.Table_Owner AND t.Table_Name = i.Table_Name
            WHERE  i.Compression='DISABLED'
            AND    i.Distinct_Keys > 0
            AND    i.Table_Owner NOT IN ('SYS')
            AND i.Num_Rows/DECODE(i.Distinct_Keys,0,1,i.Distinct_Keys) > :Min_Rows_per_Key
          ) i
WHERE MBytes > :Min_MB_of_Index
AND   Index_Type NOT IN ('BITMAP')
ORDER BY NVL(Avg_Col_Len, 5) * Num_Rows * Num_Rows/Distinct_Keys DESC NULLS LAST
Version 2: Rate indexes by leaf block count
SELECT /* DB-Tools Ramm Komprimierung Indizes */ i.Owner \"Owner\", i.Table_Name, Index_Name, Index_Type, BLevel, Distinct_Keys,
       ROUND(i.Num_Rows/i.Distinct_Keys) Rows_Per_Key,
       Avg_Leaf_Blocks_Per_Key, Avg_Data_Blocks_Per_Key, i.Num_Rows, t.IOT_Type
FROM   DBA_Indexes i
JOIN   DBA_Tables t ON t.Owner=i.Table_Owner AND t.Table_Name=i.Table_Name
WHERE  Avg_Leaf_Blocks_Per_Key > :Min_Leaf_Blocks_per_Key
AND    i.Compression = 'DISABLED'
ORDER BY Avg_Leaf_Blocks_Per_Key*Num_Rows DESC NULLS LAST
Version 3: Rate indexes by selectivity of single columns for multicolumn-indexes
FROM   ( 
        SELECT i.Owner, i.Table_Name, i.Index_Name, i.Index_Type, i.Compression, i.Prefix_Length, i.Num_Rows, i.Last_Analyzed, i.Partitioned, 
               (SELECT COUNT(*)
                FROM   DBA_Ind_Partitions ip 
                WHERE  ip.Index_Owner = i.Owner
                AND    ip.Index_Name = i.Index_Name
               ) Partitions,
               ica.Columns, ic.Column_Name, ic.Column_Position,
               tc.Num_Distinct, tc.Avg_Col_Len, ROUND(i.Num_Rows/DECODE(tc.Num_Distinct,0,1,tc.Num_Distinct)) Rows_per_Key,
               (SELECT  ROUND(SUM(bytes)/(1024*1024),1) MBytes
                FROM   DBA_SEGMENTS s
                WHERE s.SEGMENT_NAME = i.Index_Name
                AND     s.Owner      = i.Owner
               ) MBytes
        FROM   DBA_Indexes i
        JOIN   (SELECT Index_Owner, Index_Name, COUNT(*) Columns
                FROM   DBA_Ind_Columns
                GROUP BY Index_Owner, Index_Name
                HAVING COUNT(*) > :Min_Rows_per_Key
               ) ica ON ica.Index_Owner = i.Owner AND ica.Index_Name = i.Index_Name
        JOIN   DBA_Ind_Columns ic ON ic.Index_Owner = i.Owner AND ic.Index_Name = i.Index_Name
        JOIN   DBA_Tab_Columns tc ON tc.Owner = i.Table_Owner AND tc.Table_Name = i.Table_Name AND tc.Column_Name = ic.Column_Name
        WHERE  i.Owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'OUTLN', 'DBSNMP', 'WMSYS', 'CTXSYS', 'XDB')
        AND    i.Index_Type NOT IN ('BITMAP')
        AND    i.Num_Rows > :Min_Rows_per_Index
        AND    i.Num_Rows/DECODE(tc.Num_Distinct,0,1,tc.Num_Distinct) > 10
        AND    (i.Compression = 'DISABLED' OR i.Prefix_Length < ic.Column_Position)
ORDER BY Column_Position, NVL(Avg_Col_Len, 5) * Num_Rows * Num_Rows/DECODE(Num_Distinct,0,1,Num_Distinct)/DECODE(Partitions, 0, 1, Partitions) DESC NULLS LAST
More comfortable you can this and many other dragnet selections from within my free app Panorama for Oracle performance analysis.
You may find more about Panorama at


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