Oracle-DB: Identify excessive logon/logoff operations with short-running sessions
Creating and destroying database sessions in loop may lead to significant database load.
This blog post contains more about quantifying this load.
But how can I identify the client processes causing this sessions?
You can do this by 2 was:
Go to menu "DBA general" / "Audit Trail":

This way you can identify the machine, DB-user and OS-user that executes 106 logons every minute.
Than you can scan your client OS for a limited duration for connections (and their process-IDs) that occur only for a small time
The last records in the sort order of this output are connections that occur only for a small time.
Maybe a cycle of one second is to large to detect the short running connections.
Than you should sleep only for a fraction of a second (e.g. "sleep 0.1").
PL/SQL package:
Applications should use connection pooling at client or database side to prevent excessive session creation.
But how can I identify the client processes causing this sessions?
Scan DBA_Audit_Trail to identify context info
If auditing logon/logoff-operations is activated for your database, scan DBA_Audit_Trail.You can do this by 2 was:
Alternative 1: Use my tool "Panorama" to evaluate audit trail
Panorama is available here.
Go to menu "DBA general" / "Audit Trail":
- Select start and end time for selection
- Filter column "Action" for "LOGON"
- Set "Grouping" to "Minute"
- Execute selection via button "Show audit trail"
- Add columns of your choice to diagram by context menu (right mouse button)

This way you can identify the machine, DB-user and OS-user that executes 106 logons every minute.
Alternative 2: Select direct from DBA_Audit_Trail
SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(1) Panorama Ramm */ * FROM (SELECT TRUNC(Timestamp, 'MI') Begin_Timestamp, MAX(Timestamp)+1/1440 Max_Timestamp, -- rounded to next minute UserHost, OS_UserName, UserName, Action_Name, COUNT(*) Audits FROM DBA_Audit_Trail WHERE Timestamp >= TO_DATE(:A1, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') AND Timestamp < TO_DATE(:A2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') AND UPPER(Action_Name) LIKE '%LOGON%' GROUP BY TRUNC(Timestamp, 'MI'), UserHost, OS_UserName, UserName, Action_Name ) ORDER BY Begin_Timestamp, Audits ;
Identifiy short running DB-sessions just now
List currently connected sessions with logon-time less than a few seconds.
Repeat this selection in very small cycles for some seconds or minutes.
Column "Process" shows the client process id (except JBDC-Sessions, which always have process-ID=1234).
Column "Process" shows the client process id (except JBDC-Sessions, which always have process-ID=1234).
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON LINESIZE 2000; DECLARE SCAN_TIME_SECS CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; MAX_SESSION_AGE_SECS CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; START_TIME CONSTANT DATE := SYSDATE; BEGIN WHILE START_TIME + SCAN_TIME_SECS/86400 >= SYSDATE LOOP FOR Rec IN ( SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP, 'HH24:MI:SSxFF') TS, s.Inst_ID, s.SID, s.Serial#, s.Status, s.AudSID, s.UserName, s.OSUser, s.Process, s.Machine, s.Port, s.Program, s.SQL_ID, s.Prev_SQL_ID, s.SQL_Exec_Start, s.Module, s.Action, s.Client_Info, s.Logon_Time, s.Service_Name FROM gv$Session s WHERE s.Type = 'USER' AND Program NOT LIKE '%(P%)' /* Exclude own PQ processes that don't appear in gv$PX_Session while selecting from multiple RAC instances */ AND Logon_Time > SYSDATE-1/(86400/MAX_SESSION_AGE_SECS) /* Session not older than x seconds */ AND s.AudSID != 0 /* show only if connect is completed */ ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(Rec.TS||' Inst='||Rec.Inst_ID||' SID/SN='''||RPAD(Rec.SID||','||Rec.Serial#||'''', 12)||' Status='||RPAD(Rec.Status, 9)|| ' AudSID='||Rec.AudSID||' User='||Rec.UserName||' OS-User='||Rec.OSUser|| ' Process='||Rec.Process||' Machine='||Rec.Machine||' Port='||Rec.Port||' Program='''||Rec.Program||''''|| ' SQL_ID='''||Rec.SQL_ID||''' Prev_SQL_ID='''||Rec.Prev_SQL_ID||''''|| ' Module='''||Rec.Module||''' Action='''||Rec.Action||''' Client_Info='''||Rec.Client_Info||''' Service='||Rec.Service_Name ); END LOOP; DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP(1/100); /* Use DBMS_SESSION.SLEEP also for Rel. >= 18.x */ END LOOP; END; /
Identify short running DB-sessions by Active Session History
List sessions within considered period with only one sample record in Active Session History.
This may help to find short running sessions with only one occurrence in ASH.
But for this purpose a sample cycle of one second is much too large in most cases.
SELECT x.*, (Select UserName FROM All_Users u WHERE u.User_ID = x.user_ID), s.* FROM ( SELECT Inst_ID, Session_ID, Session_Serial#, MIN(Sample_Time) Min_Sample_Time, MAX(Sample_Time) Max_Sample_Time, COUNT(*) Sample_Count, MIN(SQL_ID) SQL_ID, MIN(Session_Type) SessionType, MIN(Module) Module, MIN(User_ID) User_ID FROM gv$Active_Session_History WHERE Sample_Time > SYSDATE-1 AND Session_Type = 'FOREGROUND' GROUP BY Inst_ID, Session_ID, Session_Serial# ORDER BY Max(Sample_Time) - MIN(Sample_Time) ) x JOIN gv$Session s ON s.Inst_ID = x.Inst_ID AND s.SID=x.Session_ID AND s.Serial#=x.Session_Serial# WHERE x.Sample_Count < 2 ;
Identify client processes running Oracle-connections
Especially for JDBC-connections with faked process ID "1234" you can identify the exact client process only at client OS.
If there are multiple JDBC-processes on your client machine you can use the following approach to identify the process with multiple short running connections.
If there are multiple JDBC-processes on your client machine you can use the following approach to identify the process with multiple short running connections.
Identify linux process with short running connections on Linux systems
Assume your database hostname is "dm0401" you can list the process-IDs and the number of connections for processes with open Oracle-connections with this commandlsof -i | grep dm0401 | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c
Than you can scan your client OS for a limited duration for connections (and their process-IDs) that occur only for a small time
# Duration in seconds to scan the client OS export DURATION=10 ( typeset -i i=0 while [ $i -lt $DURATION ] do lsof -i | grep dm0401 | awk '{print $2 $9}' sleep 1 i=i+1 done ) | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
The last records in the sort order of this output are connections that occur only for a small time.
Maybe a cycle of one second is to large to detect the short running connections.
Than you should sleep only for a fraction of a second (e.g. "sleep 0.1").
Use a dedicated monitoring package to identify short-running sessions
With this package "Detect_Short_Running_Sessions" you can get get maximum information about extremely short running sessions via gv$Session.
It creates a table DSRS_RESULT in the local schema which contains a gv$Session shadow for temporary sessions that disappear in less than x seconds.
You start investigation for temporary sessions by executing:
BEGIN EXEC Detect_Short_Running_Sessions.Run_Detection( Runtime_Seconds IN NUMBER := 10, -- How long do you want to observer your system MilliSeconds_Between_Snaps IN NUMBER := 100, -- Delay between lookups at gv$Session Max_Session_Age_Seconds IN NUMBER := 1, -- max. age of disappeared session to be logged Grouping_Seconds IN NUMBER := 1 -- Cycle in seconds where logged sessions are persisted and committed in DSRS_RESULT ); END; /
Evaluation of results from table DSRS_RESULT can be done e.g. this way:
SELECT COUNT(*) Sessions, Inst_ID, UserName, OSUser, Machine, Program, Module, Action, Client_Info, Service_Name, MAX(Inst_ID||':'||SID||','||Serial#) Sample_Session, MAX(AudSID) Sample_AudSID, MAX(SQL_ID) Sample_SQL_ID, MAX(Process) Sample_Process, MIN(Time_Group) Min_Time, MAX(Time_Group) Max_Time FROM DSRS_RESULT r GROUP BY Inst_ID, UserName, OSUser, Machine, Program, Module, Action, Client_Info, Service_Name ORDER BY Sessions DESC ;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Detect_Short_Running_Sessions AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS TYPE Sample_Type IS RECORD( Inst_ID gv$Session.Inst_ID%TYPE, SID gv$Session.SID%TYPE, Serial# gv$Session.Serial#%TYPE, AudSID gv$Session.AudSID%TYPE, UserName gv$Session.UserName%TYPE, OSUser gv$Session.OSUser%TYPE, Process gv$Session.Process%TYPE, Machine gv$Session.Machine%TYPE, Port gv$Session.Port%TYPE, Program gv$Session.Program%TYPE, SQL_ID gv$Session.SQL_ID%TYPE, SQL_Exec_Start gv$Session.SQL_Exec_Start%TYPE, Module gv$Session.Module%TYPE, Action gv$Session.Action%TYPE, Client_Info gv$Session.Client_Info%TYPE, Logon_Time gv$Session.Logon_Time%TYPE, Service_Name gv$Session.Service_Name%TYPE ); TYPE Sample_Table_Type IS TABLE OF Sample_Type; PROCEDURE Run_Detection(Runtime_Seconds IN NUMBER := 10, MilliSeconds_Between_Snaps IN NUMBER := 100, Max_Session_Age_Seconds IN NUMBER := 1, Grouping_Seconds IN NUMBER := 1); END Detect_Short_Running_Sessions; /
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY Detect_Short_Running_Sessions IS Current_Snap Sample_Table_Type := Sample_Table_Type(); Prev_Snap Sample_Table_Type := Sample_Table_Type(); Temp_Snap_Diffs Sample_Table_Type := Sample_Table_Type(); Snap_Diffs Sample_Table_Type := Sample_Table_Type(); PROCEDURE Snapshot(Max_Session_Age_Seconds IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN Current_Snap.Delete; SELECT s.Inst_ID, s.SID, s.Serial#, s.AudSID, s.UserName, s.OSUser, s.Process, s.Machine, s.Port, s.Program, s.SQL_ID, s.SQL_Exec_Start, s.Module, s.Action, s.Client_Info, s.Logon_Time, s.Service_Name BULK COLLECT INTO Current_Snap FROM gv$Session s LEFT OUTER JOIN gv$PX_Session pxs ON pxs.Inst_ID = s.Inst_ID AND pxs.SID = s.SID AND pxs.Serial#=s.Serial# WHERE s.Type = 'USER' AND pxs.SID IS NULL AND Program NOT LIKE 'oracle%(P%)' /* Exclude own PQ processes that don't appear gv$PX_Session in while selecting from multiple RAC instances */ AND Logon_Time > SYSDATE-Max_Session_Age_Seconds/86400.0 /* Session not older than x seconds */ ; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'HH24:MI:SS')||' : '||Current_Snap.COUNT||' records inserted in Current_Snap'); END Snapshot; PROCEDURE Compare_Snapshots(Max_Session_Age_Seconds IN NUMBER) IS i NUMBER; BEGIN Snapshot(Max_Session_Age_Seconds); IF Prev_Snap.COUNT > 0 THEN SELECT p.* BULK COLLECT INTO Temp_Snap_Diffs FROM TABLE(Prev_Snap) p WHERE (Inst_ID, SID, Serial#) NOT IN (SELECT Inst_ID, SID, Serial# FROM TABLE(Current_Snap)) ; IF Temp_Snap_Diffs.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN Temp_Snap_Diffs.FIRST..Temp_Snap_Diffs.LAST LOOP Snap_Diffs.EXTEND; Snap_Diffs(Snap_Diffs.COUNT) := Temp_Snap_Diffs(i); END LOOP; END IF; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'HH24:MI:SS')||' : '||Snap_Diffs.COUNT||' records in Snap_Diffs'); END IF; Prev_Snap := current_Snap; END Compare_Snapshots; PROCEDURE Persist_Diff IS Dummy NUMBER; BEGIN FOR Rec IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(Snap_Diffs)) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO DSRS_RESULT (Time_Group, Inst_ID, SID, Serial#, AudSID, UserName, OSUser, Process, Machine, Port, Program, SQL_ID, SQL_Exec_Start, Module, Action, Client_Info, Logon_Time, Service_Name ) VALUES (SYSDATE, :inst_ID, :SID, :Serial#, :AudSID, :UserName, :OSUser, :Process, :Machine, :Port, :Program, :SQL_ID, :SQL_Exec_Start, :Module, :Action, :Client_Info, :Logon_Time, :Service_Name )' USING Rec.Inst_ID, Rec.SID, Rec.Serial#, Rec.AudSID, Rec.UserName, Rec.OSUser, Rec.Process, Rec.Machine, Rec.Port, Rec.Program, Rec.SQL_ID, Rec.SQL_Exec_Start, Rec.Module, Rec.Action, Rec.Client_Info, Rec.Logon_Time, Rec.Service_Name ; END LOOP; COMMIT; Snap_Diffs.DELETE; END Persist_Diff; PROCEDURE Run_Detection(Runtime_Seconds IN NUMBER, MilliSeconds_Between_Snaps IN NUMBER, Max_Session_Age_Seconds IN NUMBER, Grouping_Seconds IN NUMBER) IS Dummy NUMBER; Start_time DATE := SYSDATE; End_Time DATE := SYSDATE + Runtime_Seconds/86400.0; Next_Persist_Time DATE := SYSDATE + Grouping_Seconds/86400.0; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO Dummy FROM User_Tables WHERE Table_Name = 'DSRS_RESULT'; IF Dummy = 0 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE DSRS_RESULT AS SELECT SYSDATE Time_Group, Inst_ID, SID, Serial#, AudSID, UserName, OSUser, Process, Machine, Port, Program, SQL_ID, SQL_Exec_Start, Module, Action, Client_Info, Logon_Time, Service_Name FROM gv$Session WHERE 1=2'; END IF; WHILE SYSDATE < End_Time LOOP Compare_Snapshots(Max_Session_Age_Seconds); IF SYSDATE > Next_Persist_Time THEN Persist_Diff; Next_Persist_Time := SYSDATE + Grouping_Seconds/86400.0; END IF; -- ### Use DBMS_SESSION.SLEEP starting with 18c DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP(MilliSeconds_Between_Snaps/1000.0); END LOOP; Persist_Diff; END Run_Detection; END Detect_Short_Running_Sessions; /
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