Oracle-DB: List tables suitable for partition exchange

Partition Exchange requires a partitioned and a non-partitioned table with the same column and index structure. All indexes of the partitioned table have to be local partitioned.

The following SQL lists all combinations of structure-identical partitioned and non-partitioned tables that are suitable for partition exchange.

This information may be useful before changing the structure of tables or indexes to be informed about possible partition exchange operation and to prevent from crashing such operations.

WITH Tables AS (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE MATERIALIZE */ tc.Owner, tc.Table_Name, COUNT(*) Columns, 
                       SUM(ORA_HASH(tc.Data_Type) * tc.Column_ID * tc.Data_Length * 
                       NVL(tc.Data_Precision,1) * 
                         NVL(DECODE(tc.Data_Scale, 0, -1, tc.Data_Scale),1)) Structure_Hash
                FROM   DBA_Tab_Columns tc
                JOIN   DBA_Tables t ON t.Owner = tc.Owner AND t.Table_Name = tc.Table_Name /* exclude views */ 
                WHERE  tc.Owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
                GROUP BY tc.Owner, tc.Table_Name
     Part_Tables AS (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE MATERIALIZE */ t.Owner, t.Table_Name, t.Partitioned
                     FROM   DBA_Tables t
                     WHERE  t.Partitioned = 'YES'
                     AND    t.Owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
                     AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM DBA_Indexes i WHERE i.Table_Owner = t.Owner 
                                     AND i.Table_Name = t.Table_Name AND i.Partitioned = 'NO') 
     Indexes as (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE MATERIALIZE */ ic.Table_Owner, ic.Table_Name, 
                        COUNT(DISTINCT ic.Index_Name) Indexes, COUNT(*) Ind_Columns,
                        SUM(ic.Column_Position * ic.Column_Length ) Structure_Hash
                 FROM   DBA_Ind_Columns ic
                 GROUP BY ic.Table_Owner, ic.Table_Name
     Result_Tables AS (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE MATERIALIZE */ t.Owner, t.Table_Name, 
                              t.Structure_Hash Table_Structure_Hash,
                              i.Structure_Hash Index_Structure_Hash,
                              t.Columns, i.Indexes, i.Ind_Columns,
                       FROM Tables t
                       LEFT OUTER JOIN Part_Tables dt ON dt.Owner = t.Owner AND dt.Table_Name = t.Table_Name
                       LEFT OUTER JOIN Indexes i ON i.Table_Owner = t.Owner AND i.Table_Name = t.Table_Name     
SELECT t.Table_Structure_Hash, t.Index_Structure_Hash, t.Columns, t.Indexes, t.Ind_Columns,
       t.Owner NonPart_Owner, t.Table_Name NonPart_TableName,
       pt.Owner Part_Owner, pt.Table_Name Part_TableName            
FROM   Result_Tables t
JOIN   Result_Tables pt ON pt.Table_Structure_Hash  = t.Table_Structure_Hash
                       AND pt.Index_Structure_Hash  = t.Index_Structure_Hash
                       AND pt.Columns               = t.Columns
                       AND pt.Indexes               = t.Indexes
                       AND pt.Ind_Columns           = t.Ind_Columns
WHERE  t.Partitioned IS NULL
AND    pt.Partitioned = 'YES'
ORDER BY pt.Owner, pt.Table_Name, t.Owner, t.Table_Name


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