Oracle-DB: Find SQLs where expected parallel DML or direct load does not work

If you try to use parallel DML or direct load in SQL statements by placing the appropiate optimizer hints (PARALLEL, APPEND etc.), there might be several reasons why the DB ignores them.

For example, if you want to execute DML in parallel you need to enable the session to do this before by executing
. There are lots of similar pitfalls that may prevent the DB from using the expected execution path.

The free performance analysis tool Panorama offers a way to scan your entire database for SQLs where parallel DML or direct load should have been used but in reality is not.

Use the shown selection from menu "Dragnet investigation" (point 2.2.12) to execute this check and find SQLs that are not executed as expected. The result is sorted by the time this SQLs took to execute. The link in column "sql id" allows you to dig deeper in the details of the found SQL statement.
Precondition is licensing of Oracle Diagnostics Pack or the use of Panorama-Sampler as an alternative.
Without using "Panorama" you can also execute the following SQL manually. You should have licensed the Oracle Diagnostics Pack and replace the DBID with the numeric value of your DB ID.
WITH Plans AS (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE MATERIALIZE */ SQL_ID, Plan_Hash_Value, PDML_Reason, IDL_Reason
               FROM   (SELECT SQL_ID, Plan_Hash_Value,
                              EXTRACTVALUE(XMLTYPE(Other_XML), '/*/info[@type = "pdml_reason"]') PDML_Reason,
                              EXTRACTVALUE(XMLTYPE(Other_XML), '/*/info[@type = "idl_reason"]') IDL_Reason
                       FROM   gv$SQL_Plan
                       WHERE  Other_XML LIKE '%pdml_reason%' OR Other_XML LIKE '%idl_reason%'
                       UNION  ALL
                       SELECT SQL_ID, Plan_Hash_Value,
                              EXTRACTVALUE(XMLTYPE(Other_XML), '/*/info[@type = "pdml_reason"]') pdml_reason,
                              EXTRACTVALUE(XMLTYPE(Other_XML), '/*/info[@type = "idl_reason"]') IDL_Reason
                       FROM   DBA_Hist_SQL_Plan
                       WHERE  DBID =  :DBID /* do not count multiple times for multiple different DBIDs/ConIDs */
                       AND    Other_XML LIKE '%pdml_reason%' OR Other_XML LIKE '%idl_reason%'
               WHERE  PDML_Reason IS NOT NULL OR IDL_Reason IS NOT NULL
               GROUP BY SQL_ID, Plan_Hash_Value, PDML_Reason, IDL_Reason /* DISTINCT */
     Min_Ash AS (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE MATERIALIZE */ Inst_ID, MIN(Sample_Time) Min_Sample_Time FROM gv$Active_Session_History GROUP BY Inst_ID),
     ASH AS (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE MATERIALIZE */ SQL_ID, SQL_Plan_Hash_Value, User_ID, SUM(Elapsed_Secs) Elapsed_Secs
             FROM   (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE */ SQL_ID, SQL_Plan_Hash_Value, User_ID, COUNT(*) Elapsed_Secs
                     FROM   gv$Active_Session_History
                     GROUP BY SQL_ID, SQL_Plan_Hash_Value, User_ID
                     UNION ALL
                     SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE */ SQL_ID, SQL_Plan_Hash_Value, User_ID, COUNT(*) * 10 Elapsed_Secs
                     FROM   DBA_Hist_Active_Sess_History h
                     JOIN   Min_Ash ma ON ma.Inst_ID = h.Instance_Number
                     WHERE  Sample_Time > SYSDATE - :Considered_Days_Back
                     AND    Sample_Time < ma.Min_Sample_Time
                     AND    DBID = :DBID /* do not count multiple times for multiple different DBIDs/ConIDs */
                     GROUP BY SQL_ID, SQL_Plan_Hash_Value, User_ID
             WHERE  User_ID NOT IN (SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE */ User_ID FROM All_Users WHERE Oracle_Maintained = 'Y')
             GROUP BY SQL_ID, SQL_Plan_Hash_Value, User_ID
       p.SQL_ID, p.Plan_Hash_Value, p.PDML_Reason, p.IDL_Reason, u.UserName, SUM(ash.Elapsed_Secs) Elapsed_Secs
FROM   Plans p
JOIN   Ash ON ash.SQL_ID = p.SQL_ID AND ash.SQL_Plan_Hash_Value = p.Plan_Hash_Value
LEFT OUTER JOIN All_Users u ON u.User_ID = ash.User_ID
GROUP BY p.SQL_ID, p.Plan_Hash_Value, p.PDML_Reason, p.IDL_Reason, u.UserName
ORDER BY SUM(ash.Elapsed_Secs) DESC


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